Traditional law firms are undergoing a significant, albeit gradual, shift in their business models, according to a recent article in The Legal Intelligencer. Firms have come to the realization that the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach of the past 20 years needs to change in this age of ubiquitous information. Both large and small firms are now finding…
Read MoreKimberly Kitchen faces charges of forgery, unauthorized practice of law and felony records tampering recently after claiming to be a Pennsylvania attorney at BMZ Law for 10 years, even though she was not licensed. While this is an extreme case, and most attorneys are very truthful in presenting their credentials, it is not unusual for…
Read MoreGoogle is launching a significant update to its search engine algorithm beginning on April 21, 2015. The degree to which a website is considered to be “mobile friendly” will determine how well it ranks in organic search results after the Google algorithm change is in place. While insurance defense law firms generally do not rely…
Read MoreLaw firm managing partners in search of new clients in 2015 may find that the optimism of a New Year’s resolution is now replaced with the reality of attracting new clients. If your revenue goals are looking somewhat daunting, here are five practical steps to get you started on the path to business development. 1.…
Read MoreCommoditization is taking place within some aspects of the law, according to Tom Sager, the DuPont General Counsel who recently announced that he will be joining Ballard Spahr. Small to mid-sized law firms that are able to offer more affordable pricing arrangements can benefit from commoditization, notes Sager, as well as outsourcing firms that specialize…
Read MoreLaw firm proposals are becoming an increasingly important means of business development in today’s competitive world. A “Request for Proposal” (RFP) is the triggering event, which could be issued by a municipality, corporate general counsel, or an insurance carrier. While every law firm proposal will be different, there are several key elements that will appear…
Read MoreAttorney profiles on LinkedIn are becoming more important than the bio page on a law firm website, claims a new article titled Are Law Firm Websites Evolving or Dying?, written by LexBlog founder Kevin O’Keefe. As social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook become increasingly important for law firm marketing, the more static nature…
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