
The Secret SAUCE for Law Firm Marketing on LinkedIn

Building an engaged audience for your law firm through social media channels like LinkedIn and blog marketing is essential in today’s digital landscape. This article outlines a simple five-step strategy to create compelling content for your law firm marketing on LinkedIn, with a focus on content for your company page.

Here is the secret SAUCE to help you build a framework for social media content marketing:

  • S: Success Stories
  • A: Attorney Focus
  • U: Updates on Legal Matters
  • C: Community Engagement
  • E: Educational Seminars

By following these five steps for law firm marketing on LinkedIn in a consistent manner over time, your firm will build a formidable content library that will strengthen client relationships and create barriers to competition.

By way of definition, a LinkedIn Company Page is a free way to promote your law firm. It can be set up and managed by an authorized firm representative acting with an official company email address. Once established, the company page is used to post firm and industry updates, job opportunities, information about life at the organization, and more.

Companies that post weekly see a 2x lift in engagement with their content, according to LinkedIn.

Success Stories

Clients like to read about a law firm’s successful case outcomes, whether it is a trial verdict, negotiated settlement, or summary judgment. Sharing news of recent “wins” is an effective way to build trust and confidence in your legal abilities.

Keep attorney confidentiality guidelines in mind when writing about a successful case outcome. If you choose to disclose the name of your client, you should only do so with their permission. This is true even when citing a published opinion where the client name is public information. It may be better to broadly describe the case without revealing the name of your client.

Offline, you can leverage your favorable outcomes by compiling a featured case list of the firm’s significant trials and settlements. Highlight cases in the past three to five years, unless an older case set a precedent that continues to be cited. High dollar value cases, favorable outcomes achieved in tough court venues, or results that were unexpected due to difficult odds are particularly important.

Attorney Focus

Promoting individual attorneys on your LinkedIn company feed is essential for enhancing professional visibility and credibility for both the attorney and the law firm.

Here are some effective strategies for attorney and law firm marketing on LinkedIn:

  • Consider a “Get to Know Our Attorneys” series of posts introducing attorneys.
  • Include attorney photos and mention each attorney by name using the @ sign for each news item posted.
  • Celebrate professional anniversaries, like bar admissions or board certifications.
  • Highlight awards and recognition (Martindale, Chambers, Best Lawyers, Super Lawyers …).

By implementing these strategies, law firms can effectively promote themselves, their attorneys, and their legal expertise on LinkedIn.

Updates on Legal Topics

Keeping clients and prospects informed on new or emerging legal issues is a very effective form of business development. Newsworthy items might include a recent court ruling, a proposed or finalized compliance requirement, or potential risk factors.

Another way to approach writing on legal topics is to use the FAQ approach. Think of the Frequently Asked Questions that you receive as part of your legal practice. These are good topics to write about in social media as well as more in-depth blog articles.

Community Engagement

Maintaining an active involvement in the local community helps law firms build trust and credibility in several ways.

Law Firm Marketing on LinkedInMost importantly, being visible in the community puts you in touch with many prospective clients. You get an opportunity to meet residents, government officials, and business leaders on a personal level without the pressure of being in a selling mode. As people get to know you, they will feel more comfortable asking about a legal matter or referring you to a friend. It’s a great way to build “word of mouth,” which is the leading source of new business for many attorneys.

Attorney referrals are another key driver of new business. If your community engagement brings you into contact with other attorneys through your local bar association or chamber of commerce, you will be able to broaden your referral network for both inbound and outbound leads.

Volunteering and community projects strengthen team bonds and improve collaboration within your law firm. They can also boost employee morale, as people are proud to work for a law firm that gives back.

Finally, many corporate clients specifically look for community engagement as part of the evaluation process when hiring a new lawyer or law firm as outside counsel.

Educational Seminars

Speaking to an audience of current or prospective clients is one of the best possible ways to demonstrate your legal knowledge. You will be able to lay the foundation for a long-term relationship by providing valuable information that can help prospects avoid litigation, protect their business or family, comply with regulations, or sustain a competitive advantage. Qualified prospects are automatically attracted to you when you present yourself as a trustworthy counselor.

Educational programs can be sponsored directly by the law firm—like a series of related webinars—or can be held in conjunction with a bar association or industry group. In fact, the more avenues you use to speak on a topic, the more you will be viewed as a “thought leader” on your selected topic. Keep in mind that if you are offering continuing educational credits for attendees (CEs or CLEs), you may also need to gain approval from the relevant certifying agency.

Educational seminars also provide a platform for law firms to engage with clients beyond legal matters. Clients appreciate firms that invest in their education, empowering them to make informed decisions about legal issues.


By sharing insights into legal news and topics, law firms position themselves as thought leaders and attract an audience seeking reliable information.

Consistency and valuable content are key to successful law firm marketing on LinkedIn. By leveraging these strategies, law firms can effectively build their audience and establish a strong online presence. We manage LinkedIn company pages for several law firms and can help you as well.

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Legal Marketing Agency for Law Firm Marketing on LinkedIn

We want to serve as your outsourced law firm marketing department! Courting Your Clients is offered exclusively by Legal Expert Connections, Inc., a national law firm marketing agency. We have helped more than 250 law firms in 40+ states pursue new client opportunities as of late 2023. Our focus is on the business-to-business market, including but not limited to business law, insurance defense, employment defense, commercial litigation, and immigration law.

We are experienced in many lines of legal liability and regulatory requirements, including auto, business, construction, cybersecurity, elder law, employment law, ERISA, homeowners, immigration, insurance, intellectual property, premises, products, professional liability, tax, transportation and trucking, trusts and estates, whistleblower, and workers’ compensation.

Our industry knowledge includes education, environmental, forensic accounting, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, municipal, professional services, real estate, restaurants, and retail.

Legal Expert Connections, Inc. offers three key benefits to law firms nationwide:

  1. We serve as your outsourced legal marketing department. You get the equivalent of a “Chief Marketing Officer” level professional team for an affordable monthly investment. Our ideal client is a small law firm—from a solo practitioner to a 25-attorney firm—that needs marketing assistance but does not want to incur the cost and management time needed to maintain in-house staffing.
  2. You get a structured business development process. We accelerate your growth with a multi-step legal marketing campaign that brings discipline, focus, and productivity to your marketing efforts.
  3. Increase revenue with Bar-compliant legal marketing campaigns. We understand attorney advertising campaigns and can provide guidance in this regard. Ultimate compliance responsibility rests with the law firm.

Contact Margaret Grisdela, a legal marketing consultant, at 561-266-1030 or via email. Connect with Margaret Grisdela on LinkedIn.

Law firm marketing consultant Margaret Grisdela, president of Legal Expert Connections, Inc.

Margaret Grisdela

We’ve helped more than 250 law firms in 40+ states with marketing and business development campaigns across all practice areas. Contact us for a free consultation. You will be able to spend more time on the law when we take the lead on your personalized "Courting Your Clients" marketing campaign.

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